Thanks to all those sponsors who help make Jalloo possible.
To find out how to be a sponsor, please contact us organizer@jalloo.net
The Bell Fund is a major sponsor and will also be part of a presentation on Unusual Funding Sources. The Bell Fund is mainly for interactive projects associated with new or existing Canadian broadcast IP.
Loogaroo has long been a partner in helping to develop the Atlantic Canadian Animaiton and Games industry, using their contacts and experience to enrich the Jalloo Festival each year.
The National Research Council's Industrial Research Assistance Program helps to sponsor Jalloo's guest speakers. For assistance and advice in pursuing game or animation based research, contact the NRC.
Business New Brunswick helps promote entrepreneurship and business development through its support of Jalloo. If you have plans for developing or expanding a business in NB, contact Business New Brunswick for assistance.
The NBCC Miramichi campus has been delivering quality programs in Applied and Media Arts for over two decades. Graduates from these programs will be taking part in the Showcase event, showing off their work and looking to make contacts in the industry.
The City of Miramichi sponsors the Networking Dinner, helping to facilitate business to business interaction and growth.
The Trade Commission is helping to bring international guest speakers to Jalloo and encourage international partnerships and sales.
Bronze and Media Sponsors
The Canadian Interactive Alliance / L ‘Alliance Interactive Canadienne (CIAIC) is a not-for-profit trade association formed in 2005 to serve as the voice of Canada’s interactive digital media industry. Comprised of more than 3,000 companies and employing 50,000 Canadians, the interactive media industry generates over $4 billion in annual revenue. CIAIC’s membership is comprised of Canada’s seven existing provincial interactive digital media trade organizations.
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick (APEGNB) is a sponsor of STEM / STEAM ( Science Technology, Engineering, [Art], and Mathematics) events at Jalloo.
Cold Furnace is a new game studio operating out of Fredericton NB. They are major supporters of Jalloo and the game community.
<Brilliant Labs is a promotional sponsor, helping to spread the word about Jalloo and specifically the opportunities for STEM-based education and careers in the game and animation industry to the general public.