Online registration is closed. Please register on-site at the door.


At the Door:

Professional (week): $140
Student: $30

1 day passes available for Professionals

Thursday 11 June: $75
Friday 12 June: $75
Saturday 13 June: NA (Saturday's Game Jam is open to the general public)

Early Bird and Advance prices are no longer available, but for reference:

Early Bird - up to 1 May 2014

Professional: $100
Student: $20

Advance - 2 May - 5 June 2014:

Professional (week): $120
Student: $25


Guests and Sponsors should have a Special Access Code for registration. If you are not sure contact us

Volunteers should have a Special Access Code for registration. To become a volunteer contact us

Students who are participating in the Showcase should have a Special Access Code for registration. If you are not sure contact us


why Jalloo?
ja·lloo [jah·lu]
 : noun; from the Manx Gaelic dictionary 
picture, figure, bust, sculpture, idol, drawing, effigy, altarpiece, image, carving, icon, painting, or statue.

So How Do You Jalloo?